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the Reverend Paul Guiton 

This Sunday, Pentecost, is one of the Church's Principal Feasts, For many, it comes third after Easter and Christmas as the most important feasts of the year, because they see it as the "birthday" of the church. The day when the disciples were empowered to continue Christ's mission by the gift of the Spirit.
To celebrate this Feast, please wear something red.
We will be starting the service with a fire outside the church, reminding us how fire is a symbol of the Spirit. The congregation will also be invited to recite the Lord's Prayer in their language of choice, to recall how the Pentecost disciples spoke in many languages.
Rev. Paul Guiton will be leading our worship for the next three weeks on a theme of Inclusion, so this might be an opportunity to invite a friend to see how the Anglican Church celebrates special days.

To stream the Sunday service click here

the PASSCODE is 123. 

Meeting ID: 849 3747 0476