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Dear People of the Diocese of New Westminster,   After consulting with many in the Diocese and with the Provincial Health Officer’s updates in mind, I am extending the time for the suspension of in-person worship in our churches into June. For now, I am setting Sunday, June 14 as the date by which we might move back into our church buildings for in-person worship. Keeping this date will, of course, very much depend on what the Provincial Health Officer provides in both the written directives and in the daily updates all of us are watching. This date provides impetus for us to provide more enhanced on-line liturgies as well as a time-frame to consider what next from June 14 onward. Again, if anything changes that might move the date forward or farther out, I will let all of you know with enough notice for you to plan. I know that this time of suspending in-person worship has been difficult for many. I thank you for all you’re doing to help our parishes and people stay connected during this unprecedented and challenging time.