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You will find the draft bulletin for Sunday attached to this page.

Coming Events

St. Dunstan's FUNraiser

This Saturday evening. There are still tickets! 6pm start with a delicious dinner, great entertainment, wine and a silent auction with proceeds to the ministry of the parish.

Centering Prayer

Wednesday at 6:30pm

Study Group

Wednesday at 7pm. We will explore why we read so much of the Greek Scriptures in worship and why we stand for the Gospel.

Thursday Meal

Our weekly community meal begins at 6pm. Come for coffee at 4:30. Consider cooking!!

Min's and Women's Breakfast

Sunday, June 10th at 8:30am. Men meet in the Hall and the women meet at the local McDonald's.

Parish Picnic

July 1st at 10am. Please bring your picnic lunch and enjoy Morning Prayer on the back lawn.

